Industry 4.0, or more generally Economy 4.0, is currently one of the most discussed topics in the context of digitalization. Regardless whether you call it Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things or the #NextEconomy – one thing is clear: New technologies will act as enablers that fundamentally change value creation. Everyone can agree on that!
“But unfortunately a clear message is missing with regard to Industry 4.0,” criticizes Andreas Jamm. Through his projects, the CEO of BOLDLY GO INDUSTRIES is well aware of the untapped value potential offered by new technologies. Together with their customers the team at BOLDLY GO INDUSTRIES has already been able to achieve impressive economic results for customers and their ecosystems. “But beyond the pioneers, the community is lacking overall orientation,” continues Jamm.
Using a “Value Landscape” the team at BOLDLY GO INDUSTRIES aims to close this gap through collaboration with scientific partners and as part of the Competence Site’s #NextAct-Offensive. This transfer approach also corresponds to the efforts made by the German Association for the Facilitation of Research Transfer (GFFT). “And we are still open to other types of collaboration within the scope of our initiative,” says Andreas Jamm in the direction of potential partners. “We can’t expect our customers to get excited about the “Big Picture 4.0”, platforms and collaboration unless we live up to this ourselves.” BOLDLY GO INDUSTRIES is contributing the value message to the Competence Books Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation as part of the offensive and will also clearly explain the Value Landscape on the Competence Site and other portals. The partners hope that this will have a widespread impact.
“The Value Landscape (4.0) shows businesses – especially ones that still have a wait-and-see attitude – specifically where and how they can create value for themselves and their partners through Digital Transformation,” continues Jamm. “This compression is also key to overall acceptance of the topic and simplifies communication,” adds Andreas Jamm. Today topics such as Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation still suffer from the fact that their benefits are unclear. SMEs in particular are reluctant to make risky investments. The Value Landscape adds the important value dimension to other conceptual frameworks such as the Association of German Engineers’ “VDI-Haus” or ZVEI’s RAMI (Reference Architecture Model for Industry 4.0.). Value in this context refers to more than financial assets. The increasing orientation towards sustainability in particular makes energy efficiency and other topics such as employee satisfaction or dealing fairly with all partners along the supply chain crucial for success.